This typewriter is made of cardboard and it writes beautiful messages with “Magic”. It is unique to give to some special person next Valentine’s Day or for any other occasion … surely you will surprise it not only because it is a nice gift but because when you put a sheet blank on the roller, you ask him to write a question or phrase (for example: What do I feel for you?, type it and finally ask him to turn the roller… You will be super surprised to see that a nice phrase or message (for example: Great Love). After that, he will give you a little kiss and he will immediately ask you how he did… What is the trick? hehehehehe.
If you want to know what is the trick? Watch our video.
Following, the materials what you need to make it:
- Coarse cardboard: if you look at it from a side you will see that it has two rows of wavelets
- Thin cardboard like the cookie boxes
- Glue and hot silicone
- 2 cardboard rolls of kitchen paper or you can make one with cardboard using cereal boxes
- 8 small buttons like those in shirt and 1 bigger
- Thin sticks of ice cream
- Silver ribbon or aluminium paper
- Paintings
- 2 straws
- 2 skewer
- 2 bottle caps
- Templates of typewriter that you can download by clicking here
How does it work? What’s the trick?
It is very simple, it consists of a 2-roll system with a rolled paper on one of them. Each roller turn in opposite directions. While “empty” roller turns wrapping the blank paper the other roll ejects the paper previously rolled.
For proper working you should place on the roll below the printed sheets with the answers to the questions that you are going to ask your special person…
Then you must place the Magic System inside the Structure of the Machine…
Next step, you give the typewriter to the special person. Additionally, you give him two blank pages (13cm x 20cm). You tell him to put them in the machine “as if it were a real machine”… moving the roller.
You should Introduce until first gray dot. It should be under the bar that holds the paper (In this way it will be more accurate)…
Ask him the first question and tell him to write, for example, What do you feel for me?
When finished doing so, to ask him to turn the roller
Surprisingly from the blank sheet that you put in, the answer to your question will be “Greeeeeat Love”… you will see his face of surprise and happiness. You continue doing it until the whole sheet comes out…
You can continue with other blank page. Write again and you will get the next page with nice messages.
Then you must remove the blank sheets introduced before. Bring out the magic system and turning the roller on the contrary until the sheets come out.
The Machine consists of 4 parts:
- The Magic System
- The Structure of the Machine
- Keyboard
- The internal bars of the keys
We hope this idea you like and encourage yourself to do it. When you finished, you give it to someone very special… We are sure the person will be very surprised and happy for your beautiful gift… It is made with hands and so much love… and magic ;).
Until a next idea… Have a DIY day. Kisses.